jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Is it more difficult to say the truth than lies?

We always must tell the truth? The answer seems obvious: yes. Whenever we say a lie, we are punished. However, it’s not as simple as this: in life, the truth and the lie are often mixed.

I used to think that we always must tell the truth. Certainly, when our best friend tells us that his neighbour has dead because of an overdose, we believe him and we don’t wonder if he is telling the truth or perhaps is lying. However, when our parents promise us the motorbike which we have been waiting for all our life for our sixteenth birthday and when the day arrives, they only give us a book with a motorbike on the cover, we know that it will be very difficult to trust their words again. So when we talk we need to tell the truth if we want people to believe us.

Anyway, sometimes is too much difficult to tell the truth, and lies help us in some embarrassing situations. I remember perfectly the day when Judit introduced her boyfriend to me. The day before she had told me that he was friendly, outgoing, smart, funny and extremely handsome. Truly, when I saw him I felt sick for a moment; instead of cute and hilarious, he was unbelievably boring, quite hideous and really stupid. Obviously, when Judit asked me about him, I didn’t tell her my true thoughts; I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. So sometimes we have to choose between «You always must tell the truth» and «You don’t have to hurt others». So complicated!

Let’s think about a world without lies right now: it would be a hard, gloomy and a bored world, a world without imagination. There wouldn’t be stories, films and videogames, because all of these are lies. So lies help us to escape from the reality. For this reason, the truth and the lie are not enemies; they are a very good couple, aren’t they?

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