jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009


Six months ago, I heard everybody talking about Twilight saga: “a vampire’s story!”, “an immortal boy and a mortal girl’s romance!”, “blood”, “werewolves”, “monsters”, “eternity”. “What an unreal story!”, I used to think. However, everyone was so much keen on reading the books that I decided to join in Twilight’s readers and Sandra lent me her Twilight’s book. One week later, I couldn’t believe me to be so interested in these books! And will you trust me if I tell you that I have already read the first three books and now I have nearly finished the last one? Yes, I also think it’s hard to believe! They were definitely not as boring as I thought. Actually, they are the best books I have ever read! I can’t believe that I didn’t want to read them at first!

The story is shared out in four books: Twilight, New moon, Eclipse and Breaking dawn. It talks about a vampire, Edward Cullen, who falls in love with a mortal girl, Bella, as soon as he meets her. However, their romantic relationship is interrupted by Jacob, a werewolf who’s in love with Bella too. Even though she finds him very kind and good-looking, she is sure that Edward is her true love. – Certainly, I’m pretty disappointed with Bella because I wanted her to choose Jacob, he is so cute! –. Bella totally refuses to think that someday she will be older than her love, Edward, because vampires don’t grow up. For this reason, she wants Edward to bite her to become a vampire. – She knows that is really hard to get used to be a vampire, but she's ready to take this risk –. He tells Bella that he only will bite her provided she marries him. She hates the idea of marrying! Anyway, they get married and, before she can become a vampire, she becomes pregnant. And perhaps you wonder what kind of monster can be born between a vampire and a human? Will Bella become a vampire finally? And what about Jacob? Is he willing to lose Bella forever? I know all the answers, but I let you to read the books and to discover them by yourselves!

I have no doubt that you have already been hypnotized by Twilight’s magic, haven’t you?

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